6⃣Keycap: 6

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Basic Information

ShortnameKeycap: 6
Apple NameKeycap Digit Six
CodepointU+0036 20E3

0036 -  6  Digit Six

20E3 - Combining Enclosing Keycap

DecimalALT+54 ALT+8419
Unicode VersionNone
Emoji Version1.0 (2015-08-04)
Sub Category#️⃣keycap

Popularity rating over time

6️⃣ (0036 FE0F 20E3) Popularity rating over time100755025016-6-1217-8-1318-10-1419-12-1521-2-14

Date Range: 2016-06-12 - 2021-06-12

Update Time: 2021-06-13 09:19:20 Asia/Shanghai

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